December 23, 2011 § Leave a comment

I am finite, certainly closed.

From coin covered eyes our world grows richer. A moments passing like languid smoke and mixed colors. Loving the sand from which we came whose weight is given by the dust it turns to. Our loss of breath grants a heaviness in being and a lightness in life. Nostalgic for what is now we live in love. Forget not how numbers cursed man when he began to count time. Better lost are notions of circles and exactly straight lines. Take the density of time as altered by the winds with which we follow; never ignoring time as fractal, as dependent on how closely one looks.

In me something infinite, in you, too.

And so we come, as bodies in water, touching through an oceans currents. With hands acting on echoes from those past and present. With friendships as kite strings tied together. With chaos in our hallows we give birth to dancing stars, living as fireflies who flash in unison.


December 19, 2011 § Leave a comment

It can come through art, through music, or through literature. It starts as a spark and moves through the soul, and the world begins to glow. It’s your genius, your beauty, your epiphany. 

The world is exactly how you see it, depending only on the manner you look. Fact is technique.

Quantum mechanics can be derived from the symmetries of a cube.

December 19, 2011 § Leave a comment

I love you, but, because inexplicably I love in you something more than you – I mutilate you.

Jacques Lacan

Entropy in Identity

December 18, 2011 § Leave a comment


Each human activity requires a unique “language”, and authority over this activity is a matter of learning how to speak. For example art uses color for letters, music: notes, and math: axioms. Similarly, individuality exists as a unique prose; a special form of associating the elements of the world with which we are all exposed. Identity is born from two human instincts: perception and production. In perception we unconsciously form relations between what was known and what is experienced. In production our actions are equal to speech, where words within sentences are analogous to our experiences in life and study. During perception certain associations begin to hold more weight. Ties become stronger the more often we are exposed to them in parity or the better they coincide with other notions. As a result natural patterns of production are formed. With certain elements more likely to be linked, word combinations become more common, and sentences begin to take similar shapes, together all of which express character.
What more is your music other than ones patterns for associating notes.
What is your art aside from ones unique bonding of pigments.
What else is your moral besides the stringing of ideas.
What defines a scientist except how one ties theories.
What is ones writing but a distinguishable chaining of words.
Identity is then how we organise the disordered system we are born into. The shape of our character takes form based on how the mind pieces thoughts, both consciously and subconsciously. Consider the mind to act at random, i.e. each thought comes as a random walk through a neural net. Recall, associations between elements become more likely the more often they are experienced as affiliated, also if they reaffirm other developed notions.  From the minds intrinsic associations patterns of thought and action emerge. During the minds random traverse, certain paths become more likely, certain thoughts, behaviours, reactions become more frequent. Our views, artistry, and how we act become founded on the minds learned and naturally innate tethering of concepts. So our condition is such: placed in a world of growing disassociation, to be human is to form bonds, ties, and belonging between all, and to live life fuelled on these notions.


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