Generation Without God-Born Creators.

April 11, 2012 § Leave a comment

“We come into existence without given purpose or adoptable values. From this hollow environment, empty of reason or moral, comes our greatest anguish: an anguish defined by the burden of self responsibility. A responsibility to build ones own purpose, identity, and values. We are born an empty frame and are then forced to live our lives as the artist whose masterpiece is the self portrait. From this perspective our greatest anguish becomes our greatest gift. With loss of religion each person is born the creator, and with that comes the responsibility to create. With the individual as the creator life becomes a matter of aesthetics, making the ugliest trait is apathy. Those overwhelmed by the responsibility of this optimism turn to religion. These are the mentally handicapped: unable to create and live for oneself they require the crutch of another’s values and purpose. We must except that each person is their own project, and that we live to design ourselves towards a vision of how we wish to be. With each choice, be it passive or authoritative, we act as a model for all people; with each choice we sculpt man as we would have him to be. There is no one ideal, no Michelangelo, but rather an entire form as man could be in each of us.”


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